Pedro Modesto Experience Design Consultant, Staff/Assistant, Brasil,
EY Design Studio LAS

Pedro Modesto a.k.a Modestão or just Modesto has been at EY since February 2022 as a Trainee and has a degree in Advertising (with focus on art direction) from Mackenzie and is currently doing his second degree in Computer Engineering at FIAP.

Modestão has always been very creative and communicative, which is why he decided to enter the world of design. And he, too, always had a certain facility with logical reasoning and a great love for technology, so how to question his decision to study Engineering? xD.

Today he seeks to ally the two educations to excel in UX/UI and Front End.

Modesto is not the kind of person who likes to leave the comfort of his home, he is more attached to a family program with a Saturday afternoon movie and a little game (LOL, Valorant, Dark Souls, CSGO etc) on his big PC that once was NASA’s. Speaking of NASA, Modestão loves astronomy, never tires of studying modern, classical and quantum physics, and prefers to solve a hair-raising integral calculation than to leave the house ( ̄﹃ ̄).

And he says he dates the most beautiful Palmeirense woman in the world <3